
9th capital market conference

The business of the financial sector is increasingly based on huge amounts of data. Processing this data and using it as precisely as possible for individual customer requirements is an important factor for future competitiveness. Digital solutions and artificial intelligence can make a valuable contribution in this area in particular.
Here, the industry is at the beginning of a complex development that will fundamentally change work in many areas. What can artificial intelligence do and what not (yet)? Which examples already exist in practice and where is digital banking heading? How is the supervision of banking changing in the course of these developments and who is responsible for digitized decisions?

These questions will be the focus of the ninth capital market conference of Hamburg Financial, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI) and of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.

Participation in the event is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use this link. Please note. The conference language is German!


10:00 a.m.: Welcoming address
Dr. Thomas Ledermann, Deputy Chairman Financial Centre Hamburg e.V.

Hermann Hofer, Head of Internal and Branch Operations at Deutsche Bundesbank Head Office in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein

Overall moderation: Prof. Dr. Henning Vöpel, Director of the HWWI

10.15 am:  What can artificial intelligence do, what not (yet). And what does this mean for the financial sector?
Prof. Dr. Andreas Moring, International School of Management (ISM), Hamburg

10.40 a.m.: Case Studies
Artificial intelligence as a business model
Max Bense, Head of Strategic Sales, CollectAI
Customer analysis through digitalization of asset management
Markus Neuburger, Head of Trading & Sales, Donner & Reuschel AG
Digitisation and banking supervision
Georg Stindt, Head of the Department "Accounting, Supervisory Databases" in the Central Division Banks and Financial Supervision Deutsche Bundesbank

11.30 am: Machine Ethics and Responsibility
Prof. Catrin Misselhorn, Department of Philosophy, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

12.00 h: Panel discussion
Discussion with all speakers

from 13:00 h: Closing with lunch snack


Your contact:

Jan Korte
Tel. +49 40 36138-503


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