Our Executive Board:

Spokesman of the board



"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg is the necessary prerequisite for a strong business location. An efficient economy creates prosperity, an attractive infrastructure, a high level of education, innovation and security."

Eberhard Sautter
Chairman of the Executive Board of HanseMerkur Insurance Group


Deputy chairmen

Silke Grimm
CFO of Euler Hermes Deutschland

"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg stands for passion for the cause, the joy of change and sustainable relevance."

Dr. Thomas Ledermann
Management Board of BÖAG Börsen AG

"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg stands for Hanseatic reliability and openness. Because of its diversity and adaptability, it always adapts quickly to the ever-changing requirements and is thus well prepared for the future."

Nikolaus von der Decken
Managing Partner of Creditreform Hamburg von der Decken KG

"For me, the financial centre Hamburg is an important partner for financing of local companies and by this, ensures not only trade and constant change but also plays a vital part for the future of Hamburg's economy."

Other members

Christoph Bülk
Managing Partner of Funk Gruppe GmbH

"For me, Hamburg as a financial centre is a source of employment, education and growth that is rich in tradition, generates opportunities and promotes innovation."

Thorsten Rathje
CEO of Hamburger Volksbank

"The Hamburg financial centre embodies the strengths of Hamburg's financial sector: pulling together when it matters, promoting the regional location that makes us the gateway to the world and seeing innovation as a tradition with which we can lead Hamburg's economy into the future."

Dr. Harald Vogelsang
Spokesman of the Board, Hamburger Sparkasse

“For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg is where the first German stock exchange, the first insurance company and the first savings bank were founded. Today, it is home to Germany's largest savings bank, an innovation hub for the financial sector and a close community.”

Dr. Joachim Seeler
Managing Director of the HSP Hamburg Invest GmbH

"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg is an expression of Hamburg’s strength: innovators with a great pool of talent for entrepreneurial, innovative solutions, close to the other side of the market."

Prof. Dr. Christoph Seibt
Chairman of the Foundation Institute for Corporate and Capital Market Law of the Bucerius Law School

"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg is an expression of Hamburg’s strength: innovators with a great pool of talent for entrepreneurial, innovative solutions, close to the other side of the market.”

Heiko Braband
Managing Director of the Norddeutscher Bankenverband e.V.

"As the economic metropolis in the north, Hamburg needs strong partners in the financial sector. The Hamburg financial centre is the place to meet."

Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel
Senator of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, President of the Tax Authority

"For me, Finanzplatz Hamburg is the regional anchora of international finance."


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