Insurance Innovation Day in the premises of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce; Photo: Jana Tolle

Hamburg’s financial centre has a strong track record of innovation and provides a reliable network with traditional and timeless Hanseatic values.

With around 10,000 companies and more than 50,000 employees, the financial sector is a driving force in the Hamburg metropolitan area.

From banks, insurers and insurance brokers, through to highly specialised service providers: here they will find a good infrastructure, qualified employees, an excellent environment for their employees and enormous customer potential. They also have prospects for the future, as forecasts predict that the economy in Hamburg will grow faster than in other cities.

Hamburg Financial serves as a bridgehead to the financial sector in Hamburg and brings together business, science, government and administration as well as financial institutions of all kinds.


Excellent surrounding conditions

Hamburg is a city state with good networking between business, government and public administration.
The city ranks regularly in the top ten of the world’s most liveable cities.

Specialised and Diversified

Hamburg’s regional economy is characterised by medium-sized companies and focuses on business-to-business interactions. Hamburg’s financial sector is a highly specialised and diversified service provider for these companies.

Key sector

Hamburg’s finance industry is a driving force in the metropolitan region, with some 10,000 companies and more than 50,000 jobs.

Hidden champions

Hamburg is home to numerous hidden champions – it is Germany’s No. 1 centre for transportation insurance, foreign trade finance, private banking and fund management.

Hotspot for Fintechs 

Hamburg is Germany’s third most important financial centre and one of its key FinTech hubs with more than four dozen Fintechs located here.


The city's home to the world’s oldest insurance company (1676), Germany’s oldest private bank (1590), and Germany’s oldest and most versatile Exchange (1558).

portraits, interviews, reports

Oldest German stock exchange

The Hanseatic Stock Exchange Hamburg

Rooted in the Hanseatic city

A portrait of Exporo


The oldest german Bank: Berenberg

Rooted in the Hanseatic city

A portrait of the Fintech start-up Taxdoo


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