Your contact:

Axel Hoops
Managing Director
Tel: +49 (0)40/36 138 245

Financial centre in figures

With around 10,000 companies and more than 44,000 employees, the financial sector is a driving force in the Hamburg metropolitan area.

From banks, insurers and insurance brokers, through to highly specialised service providers: here they will find a good infrastructure, qualified employees, an excellent environment for their employees and enormous customer potential. They also have prospects for the future, as forecasts predict that the economy in Hamburg will grow faster than in other cities.

Hanseatic, reliable, innovative. Under this motto, we bring together business, science, politics and administration, as well as financial institutions, whatever their character.

Whether traditionally conservative or FinTech, small or large, local or international, our association brings them all together in one strong network.

A strong network for the financial sector - and beyond industry borders

A cross-sector network, exchange at the highest level and an environment for creative ideas: this is what Finanzplatz Hamburg e. V. stands for. Finanzplatz Hamburg e. V. is the first point of contact for financial management in Hamburg.

The goal of our association is to strengthen the market participants in the financial sector, to make the financial centre of Hamburg more competitive internationally, to give the location a distinctive image and to communicate this. Our focus is on close networking with politics and administration as well as with education and science.

In order to achieve this goal, companies from the financial sector took the initiative in 2007 and founded Finanzplatz Hamburg e. V. in order to strengthen their region among the competition. The association now has more than 110 members: companies from the financial sector of the metropolitan region of Hamburg as well as associations, institutions and committed individuals make up Finanzplatz Hamburg.

Dynamics, diversity and reliability characterise one of the oldest and most important financial centres in Germany. More than 10,000 companies of all sizes and from different areas of the financial sector appreciate the advantages of Hamburg.

This traditionally close co-operation at the financial centre is what makes Hamburg particularly attractive and it has been proven successful – and not just during turbulent times on the financial markets. Thus, the "specialties" of this metropolis on the River Elbe lie, in particular, in the traditional financing of foreign trade, and in aircraft and ship financing. The affinity between companies in these sectors and Hamburg financiers has also proved to be a real advantage for the financing of media and medium-sized enterprises and in the area of renewable energies.

More than just ships, port and trade

For most guests of the Hanseatic City, as well as for Hamburg residents themselves, the harbour and everything that is connected with it is what defines the city. Many forget that Hamburg is also an important financial centre. For example, Hamburg is the oldest and most diverse stock exchange centre in Germany. On the site are the individual stock exchanges of the General Exchange (Allgemeine Börse), the Grain Exchange (Getreidebörse), the Stock Exchange (Wertpapierbörse), as well as the nationally unparalleled Insurance Exchange (Versicherungsbörse). Of course, Hamburg is not London, nor is it Frankfurt - but that’s a good thing! Because, unlike elsewhere, Hamburg's financial and insurance companies are part of the economy and not just self-orbiting satellites. Indeed, they are locally committed and closely linked to the economy.

Our recipe for success? We are committed to co-operation: Hamburg is also attractive as a financial centre because the financial industry has traditionally worked closely with companies from other industries, and with politics and administration as well as with education and science.

Our goals
Our goals are ambitious: we want to strengthen the financial centre of Hamburg and its market participants, make it more competitive, give it a distinctive image and communicate this to the outside world! For these reasons, we are working to strengthen the networking of companies within the sub-sectors of insurance, credit institutions and financial services, and to cooperate with market participants in other sectors.

We see Finanzplatz Hamburg e.V. as a platform for

  • establishing and expanding excellent educational programmes, in particular,
  • expanding the range of international congresses and trade fairs for the financial sector in Hamburg,
  • promoting Hamburg's stock exchanges as an important focal point for Hamburg's economy,
  • promoting specialised services and focus areas for growth,
  • cross-regional cooperation with other financial markets,
  • support for innovative financial services.


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